Lab News


  • June 2024: Julianne, Anaahita, Sophie, David, Rahil, and Amanda join the team for the summer!
  • May 2024: Sam, Lana, Kasia, Grace, Rohan P., and Lizie give poster presentations at the GW Cancer Center Retreat; Lizie wins 2nd place for her poster.
  • May 2024: Rohan receives research funding from the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Greater Cincinatti with Dr. Katherine Chiappinelli!
  • May 2024: Lizie gives an oral presentation at the International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy conference in Vancouver, Canada. 
  • May 2024: Rohan gives an invited talk and serves as a session chair at the Nanotechnology in Medicine IV: Physical Triggers and Advanced Materials conference in Tomar, Portugal.
  • May 2024: Grace, Kasia, and Danielle give oral presentations at the annual Society for Thermal Medicine conference in Houston, Texas.
  • April 2024: Rohan is awarded an R01 research program grant from the NIH NCI!
  • March 2024: Grace is awarded a Scholar-in-Training Award from the Society for Thermal Medicine!
  • Februrary 2024: Rohan and Lizie are inducted as inventor members of the GW Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors.


  • December 2023: Lizie is awarded an American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant.
  • December 2023: Lana successfully advances to PhD candidacy!
  • December 2023: Lizie's paper is accepted in Bioengineering and Translational Medicine!
  • November 2023: Jacob successfully defends his PhD dissertation!
  • October 2023: Lizie is awarded a Discovery Grant from the American Brain Tumor Association.
  • October 2023: Lizie is selected to attend the ISCT-ASTCT Cell Therapy Training Course workshop as a Scholar.
  • October 2023: Josh presents at FASEB HIV Reservoirs & Immune Control conference (Ireland) and Duke Division of Innate and Comparative Immunology (DICI) Research Retreat & Alumni Research Meeting
  • September 2023: Grace joins the team!
  • August 2023: Kasia joins the team! 
  • July 2023: Josh's paper is accepted in the International Journal of Nanomedicine!
  • July 2023: Danielle and Melissa join the team!
  • June 2023: Josh is awarded a second year of funding for the HIV T32 fellowship!
  • May 2023: Rohan is named co-lead for the Clinical and Translational Oncology Program of the GWCC.
  • April 2023: Josh wins 2nd place at the GW IBS Research Showcase!
  • April 2023: Rohan and Lizie receive the Technology Maturation Award from the GW Technology Commercialization Office!
  • April 2023: Palak and Lizie's paper is accepted in Cytotherapy!
  • March 2023: Lana joins the team!
  • February 2023: Sam receives the Cosmos Scholar Award!
  • January 2023: Rohan becomes an Associate Editor for Science Advances.
  • January 2023: Preethi's paper is accepted in Nanomedicine UK! 


  • November 2022: Debbie successfully defends her PhD dissertation!
  • October 2022: Nicole successfully defends her PhD dissertation!
  • September 2022: Rohan becomes an Editorial Board member for the International Journal of Hyperthermia!
  • September 2022: Rohan and Debbie give oral presentations at the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology Annual Meeting.
  • September 2022: Debbie presents a poster at NanoDDS 2022.
  • August 2022: Debbie wins the Underrepresented Minority Fellowship at NanoDDS 2022!
  • August 2022: Debbie's paper is accepted in Advanced Healthcare Materials!
  • July 2022: Nicole, Debbie, Matt, and Preethi's paper is accepted in Nanomaterials!
  • July 2022: Sam successfully advances to PhD candidacy!
  • June 2022: Aruna joins the team!
  • June 2022: Josh is awarded the HIV T32 fellowship!
  • May 2022: Nicole wins first place for her oral presentation at the GW Cancer Center Retreat!
  • May 2022: Debbie wins second place for her poster presentation at the GW Cancer Center Retreat!
  • May 2022: Rohan gives a talk at ECI Nanotechnology in Medicine III: Enabling Next Generation Therapies conference in Calabria, Italy.
  • May 2022: Debbie gives a talk at the ECI Nanotechnology in Medicine III: Enabling Next Generation Therapies conference in Calabria, Italy and wins a Young Investigator award for her presentation!
  • May 2022: Nicole presents at The International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy Annual Meeting.
  • May 2022: Rohan organizes the Society for Thermal Medicine Annual Meeting; Debbie, Palak, and Lizie give talks; Jacob and Nicole present posters.
  • April 2022: Josh wins the GW Research Showcase Special Prize from the Office for Innovation & Entrepreneurship!
  • April 2022: Jacob wins the Scholar-in-Training Award from the Society for Thermal Medicine!
  • April 2022: Jacob wins 1st Runner-up for the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Poster Award at the GW Research Showcase!
  • April 2022: Jacob wins 1st Runner-up for the Clinical and Translational Research Prize at the GW Research Showcase!
  • March 2022: Rohan receives funding as co-investigator on a Technology Maturation Award from the GW Technology Commercialization Office (PI: Zurab Nadareishvili)
  • March 2022: Rohan presents his research progress at the NCI's Cancer Imaging Program's Staff Meeting 
  • March 2022: Palak's paper is accepted in Cancers!
  • February 2022: Rohan receives a 5th year ($200,000) extension to his ALSF 'A' Award!
  • February 2022: Josh is awarded the Dr. Farideh Toorany Memorial Scholarship from the Iranian American Academics and Professionals Society!
  • January 2022: Rohan receives the Elaine H. Snyder Cancer Research Award!


  • December 2021: Reddy joins the team!
  • November 2021: Jacob successfully advances to PhD candidacy!
  • November 2021: Josh successfully advances to PhD candidacy!
  • October 2021: Rohan presents a poster at the virtual Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's Young Investigator Summit.
  • October 2021: Debbie presents at the 13th International Congress of Hyperthermic Oncology and wins a best abstract award for young investigators.
  • September 2021: Jie joins the team!
  • August 2021: Preethi's paper is accepted in Nano Research!
  • July 2021: Rohan and Anelia receive shovel-ready pilot funding from the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine!
  • May 2021: Rohan presents an invited talk at ASLMS 2021: The Annual Conference of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery in the STM Special Workshop: Photothermal Nanoparticles
  • May 2021: Sam joins the team!
  • May 2021: Rohan presents an invited talk at the Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium 2021.
  • May 2021: Rohan presents an invited 3-part minicourse at the Advanced School on Nanomedicine, Federal University of Goiás, Institute of Physics, Brazil.
  • April 2021: Nicole, Debbie, and Rohan present their research at the 2021 GW Cancer Center Basic Sciences Retreat. Nicole wins 1st place for Best Oral Presentation and Debbie wins 3rd place for Best Poster Presentation!
  • April 2021: Lizie is promoted to Assistant Research Professor within the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine!
  • April 2021: Nicole and Debbie present their research at the GW Research Showcase
  • March 2021: Anshi's paper is accepted in Advanced NanoBiomed Research!
  • March 2021: Nicole's paper is accepted in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance!
  • March 2021: Preethi and Lizie's paper is accepted in Frontiers in Immunology!
  • March 2021: Rohan presents an invited talk at Texas A&M University's Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series
  • January 2021: Debbie is awarded the Cosmos Scholarship from the Cosmos Club Foundation!


  • November 2020: Rohan presents an invited talk at the Society for Thermal Medicine's virtual "Magnetic Nanomedicine" Symposium
  • November 2020: Debbie wins the Society for Thermal Medicine's Scholar-in-Training Award and presents an invited talk at its virtual symposium  
  • November 2020: Matt presents a poster at the American Medical Association meeting. The poster was ranked in the top 50 out of more than 350 posters nationally
  • November 2020: Matt presents a poster at the American Academy of Neurological Surgeons Pediatric Section meeting
  • October 2020: Nicole presents a poster at the AACR Virtual Special Conference: Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
  • October 2020: Rohan presents a poster at the virtual Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's Young Investigator Summit
  • September 2020: Preethi wins 3rd Place for her presentation at the GWU Postdoc Appreciation Day!
  • September 2020: Cameron joins the team!
  • September 2020: Josh joins the team!
  • September 2020: Rohan is awarded an R33 from the NIH/NIAID!
  • July 2020: Nicole receives a T32 Predoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Biology!
  • July 2020: Preethi's review is accepted in International Journal of Hyperthemia!
  • July 2020: Jacob joins the team!
  • June 2020: Juliana's paper is accepted in Translational Oncology!
  • June 2020: Nicole successfully advances to PhD candidacy!
  • May 2020: Rohan is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
  • May 2020: Rohan is awarded an Idea Award with Special Focus from the DoD PRCRP!
  • April 2020: Matthew receives an OVPR Cross Disciplinary Award!
  • April 2020: Allan's mini-review is accepted in Frontiers in Immunology!
  • February 2020: Nicole is awarded a Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) grant from the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!
  • January 2020: Lizie and Preethi's paper is accepted in Nano Research!
  • January 2020: Debbie's paper is accepted in Nanomaterials!


  • October 2019: Rohan presents a poster at the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's Young Investigator Summit in Philadephia, PA
  • October 2019: Juliana, Preethi, and Debbie give oral presentations at the Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting in Philadephia, PA
  • September 2019: Juliana gives an oral presentation at the Joint Meeting of the German Society for Immunology and the Italian Society of Immunology and Allergology in Munich, Germany
  • September 2019: Preethi wins 1st Place for her poster at the GWU Postdoc Appreciation Day!
  • September 2019: Rohan presents Anshi's poster at the European Association for Cancer Research's Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology conference in Cambridge, UK
  • August 2019: Debbie successfully advances to PhD candidacy!
  • August 2019: Shri joins the lab as a high school researcher as part of her mentorship program
  • August 2019: Deepti joins the team for a 2-year research fellowship!
  • July 2019: Nicole joins the team!
  • June 2019: Nirupa, Sarah, Matthew, Armando, and Anya join the team as summer researchers.
  • May 2019: Allan receives his MS degree from GW!
  • May 2019: Rachel's paper is highlighted in an Innovation District article.
  • May 2019: Rachel wins Best Poster at the 2019 GW Cancer Center Basic Sciences Retreat!
  • May 2019: Preethi gives an oral presentation, and Debbie and Allan present posters at the 2019 GW Cancer Center Basic Sciences Retreat.
  • May 2019: Rohan receives funding from BSquared consulting for sponsored research. 
  • May 2019: Debbie, Juliana, and Lizie give oral presentations at Society for Thermal Medicine's Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida.
  • April 2019: Rachel wins 2nd place at the Immuno-Oncology Young Investigators' Forum 2019!
  • April 2019: Debbie wins 3rd place at the poster presentation competition at GW IBS Research Day 2019!
  • April 2019: Rachel's paper is accepted in Clinical Cancer Research!
  • March 2019: Juliana successfully defends her PhD dissertation!!
  • February 2019: Rachel's paper is accepted in Bioconjugate Chemistry!
  • February 2019: Juliana's paper is accepted in Biomaterials Science!
  • January 2019: Rohan receives funding from Jounce Therapeutics for sponsored research.


  • December 2018: Rohan is awarded an R01 from the NIH/NCI! This award has been converted to an R37 MERIT Award for early stage investigators. Read more about the award here.
  • December 2018: Rohan and team (GWCC Investigators for Alex) receive over $5,000 in research funding from the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for their participation in The Million Mile 2018.
  • November 2018: Preethi joins the team!
  • October 2018: Rachel successfully defends her PhD dissertation!!
  • October 2018: Palak joins the team!
  • October 2018: Rohan receives $2,000 in funding from the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for his "Shark Tank" elevator pitch at the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's Young Investigator Summit in Milwaukee, WI
  • October 2018: Rohan presents a poster and a "Shark Tank" elevator pitch at the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's Young Investigator Summit in Milwaukee, WI
  • October 2018: Juliana and Lizie give oral presentations at Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • October 2018: Rachel and Debbie give poster presentations at Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • September 2018: Anshi joins the team!
  • June 2018: Rohan gives an oral presentation at ECI's Nanotechnology in Medicine II meeting in Albufeira, Portugal.
  • May 2018: Rachel gives an oral and poster presentation at the American Association of Immunologists' Immunology 2018 meeting in Austin, Texas.
  • May 2018: Rachel gives an oral presentation at the International Society for Cellular Therapy's Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
  • May 2018: Lizie and Juliana give oral presentations at the Society for Thermal Medicine's Annual Meeting in Tucson, Arizona.  
  • April 2018: Juliana wins Best Poster at the 2018 GW Cancer Center Basic Sciences Retreat!
  • April 2018: Lizie and Rachel present invited talks, and Juliana and Debbie present posters at the 2018 GW Cancer Center Basic Sciences Retreat.
  • April 2018: Lizie and Juliana's  paper is accepted in Small!
  • April 2018: Lizie and Rohan are awarded an R41 grant from the NIH/NCI!
  • Spring 2018: Group research featured in the GW Medicine + Health magazine.
  • Spring 2018: Debbie joins the team!
  • February 2018: Rachel is awarded a Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) grant from the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!
  • January 2018: Rohan's ALSF-supported research featured on GW SMHS Webpage.
  • January 2018:  Rohan is awarded an R21 grant from the NIH/NIAID!


  • December 2017: The Fernandes lab group moves from Children's National to the GW Cancer Center.
  • November 2017: Juliana successfully defends her thesis proposal!
  • October 2017: Lizie gives an oral presentation at Biomedical Engineering Society’s Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • October 2017: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the University of Maryland, BIOE Seminar Series.
  • September 2017: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the George Washington University, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine, Immunology Interest Group Seminar Series.
  • September 2017: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Young Investigator Summit in Hollywood, California.
  • July 2017: Shraddha's paper is accepted in the International Journal of Nanomedicine!
  • May 2017: Rachel is awarded a Meritorious Abstract Travel Award for the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy's 20th Annual Meeting
  • May 2017: Rachel presents a platform presentation at the International Society for Cellular Therapy's Annual Meeting in London, United Kingdom.
  • May 2017: Juliana and Lizie present platform presentations at the Society for Thermal Medicine's Annual Meeting in Cancun, Mexico.  
  • April 2017: Rachel presents her work live at the Children's National's 7th Annual Research and Education Week.
  • April 2017: Rachel is named the IBS Student Winner for best abstract at GW Medicine and Health Research Day
  • February 2017: ​Rachel is accepted into the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society
  • February 2017: Juliana and Lizie receive New Investigator Travel Awards from the Society of Thermal Medicine


  • December 2016: Rachel's paper is accepted in Cytotherapy!
  • November 2016: Rohan is awarded an ‘A’ Award Grant from Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation!
  • November 2016: Juliana and Lizie present platform presentations at the Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Center for Surgical Care Research Day.
  • October 2016: Juliana’s paper is accepted in Nanomedicine, NBM!
  • October 2016: Lizie’s paper is accepted in Scientific Reports!
  • October 2016: Juliana presents a platform presentation at Biomedical Engineering Society’s Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Rachel and Lizie present posters.
  • September 2016: Rachel’s paper is accepted in Cytotherapy!
  • September 2016: Juliana, Rachel, and Lizie present posters at the annual Nanomedicine & Drug Delivery conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • July 2016: Rachel’s paper is accepted in Nanomedicine, UK!


  • October 2015: Lizie presents a platform presentation at Biomedical Engineering Society’s Annual Conference in Tampa, Florida; Juliana  and Erin present posters.
  • September 2015: Rohan receives funding from MedImmune (AstraZeneca) for sponsored research.
  • September 2015: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the National Institutes of Health, NIDCR Seminar Series in Bethesda, Maryland.
  • July 2015: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the Aspen Ideas Festival Spotlight Health in Aspen, Colorado. 
  • April 2015: Jenny’s paper is accepted in the Journal of Visualized Experiments!
  • April 2015: Juliana and Rachel present posters at Children’s National Health System Research Week; Lizie presents at the plenary session.
  • January 2015: Rachel wins the Art of Science award by the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.


  • November 2014: Lizie presents a platform presentation at the Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Center for Surgical Care Research Day.
  • October 2014: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the George Mason University, Bioengineering Department's Seminar Series in Fairfax, Virginia.
  • September 2014: Juliana is awarded the NSF LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship.
  • September 2014: Angelina and Jenny receive the SEEDS Research Fellowship from University of Maryland.
  • July 2014: Erin is awarded “Best Oral Presentation” at the Universitas 21 Conference in Shanghai, China.
  • June 2014: Hilary’s paper is accepted in RSC Advances!
  • May 2014: Matthieu’s paper is accepted in the International Journal of Nanomedicine!


  • December 2013: Matthieu’s paper is accepted in Bioconjugate Chemistry!
  • May 2013: Rohan presents an invited presentation at the Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics' Annual World Congress in Baltimore, Maryland.